Friday, July 28, 2017

Post CT Scan Update

     It is confirmed that I need another surgery. The CT scan showed that a small piece of the bone from my fusion broke off and is pressing against my spinal cord. The opening where the spinal cord is also narrowed. It looks like calcification, and arthritis. He is going to do a Laminectomy, and a framinotomy to my C4, C5, and C6. That's where they remove the back part of the vertebra. They will also make the opening where the nerve goes a little bigger. It is more of a major surgery that the ACDF was. The healing process will be slower as well. The ACDF was an outpatient surgery. I will have to stay in the hospital at least one if not two nights. It will depend on what my insurance will approve.

     I am not a happy camper. I was hoping for a less evasive surgery. I am just now getting where I can get around  by myself. I was even driving myself to therapy. (sigh) I hate the thought of starting over from the beginning. On the bright side, I did finish therapy today. I got a beautiful blue T-shirt with the rehabs name on it. If I go again, I can get a water bottle, or another T-shirt. I look to have to go again for my neck, and possibly for my lower back.

After we got out of the Doctors office, my sweet hubby took me up to Hickory, NC. I wanted to go to A. C. Moore Crafting Supply. I found some awesome yarn on SALE!!! I nearly hyperventilated at the sight of all the yarn choices they had. I hope to go up there again when I'm feeling better. That is a happy goal to look forward to.

I will post again when I have more details on my surgery/time.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

ACDF Surgery 3 Month Update

     I had intended on writing a weekly blog, but pain meds, then life got in the way. I was healing by leaps and bounds better than I expected. At 6 weeks, I had a setback. I heard a pop in my neck and was instantly in pain. It ran from the left side of my neck, and went down my shoulder into my arm. My hand became numb.

     The doctor ordered a MRI and physical therapy. Therapy included massage, and H-wave with heat. That part of it helped some. I can not recommend Electro Therapy (TENS) enough. When my MRI results came back, it looks like my spinal chord is still compressed at my C5-6. The doctor said that it could possibly be a halo from my screw. He ordered a CT scan to confirm diagnosis. I go on July 26th to see what the results are. I will post again shortly thereafter.

     I want to speak (write) briefly about my last post. During my convalesce I have been binge watching Doctor Who. I also enjoy watching You-Tube. I saw this post by one of the people I subscribe to. (Jadainstitches) I could not resist posting it. I haven't made it yet, But I intend to. I will try to post a picture when I complete it. 

Recommended site to buy a tens unit is
I got the one with Tens plus heat the second time. The cheap one is good, but the expensive one is
worth the money.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

One Week Post-Op

At 5 days post-op, I'm beginning to feel a little normal. The incision site is still tender, and a little swollen. I am swallowing solid food a little better. I haven't taken anything for pain today. My tens unit has helped a lot. I am still in a weakened state. I'm not wearing my foam collar except for riding in the car, and walking outside the house.

6 day post op was a difficult day. I believe I over did it yesterday. I've been plagued with muscle cramps in my shoulders, and neck. I had to take my pain pills. A heated compress helped some. From this point on, I have to remember that my body is still traumatized, even if it feels better.

Swallowing is much easier. I still need to take small bites. I'm suffering from a bad case of dry mouth. I've been drinking V-8 the last couple of days. It is easier to drink veggies than to eat them. I would not recommend tomato based drinks the first day or two after surgery. The acidity could aggravate your tender throat.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Day 3 post-op

     It's remarkably easier to swallow today. Liquids are still easier than solids. My neck has started cramping. I believe part of that is the muscle adjusting to the new arrangement of my neck bones. My tens unit is really helping with that.

I got a bone growth stimulator today. I have to wear it 4 hours a day. I can separate it into segments, no shorter than one hour. I may wear it for four hours strait. If that is too difficult, I will split it into two 2 hour segments. Its wireless, so I can go out into public if the need arises.

I have an awesome husband who is doing all he can to make me comfortable.  I wanted to go to my group meeting today. My husband was willing to pack up everything I would to make me comfortable. My mind was willing, but my body isn't yet. I believe I will be able to go next week.

For the moment, It's liquids, Netflix medicine, and a row of knitting every now and then.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Day after surgery

     My surgery went well. I had a bad case of nausea afterward. I slept on and off all day yesterday. I'm feeling much better today. I'm only taking half of a pain pill at a time. I have a low threshold for pain meds. I don't take them because of nausea. The doctor also gave me nausea meds too. The back of my neck hurts the worst. There is some discomfort around the incision sight. I'm having difficulty swallowing. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. It hurts the worst when I cough. I'm keeping this short because of pain meds. Weeeeeeeeeeeee!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

One day before surgery

     I spent most of yesterday resting. I enjoyed using my tens unit. I'm still in a lot of pain, but the tens helps.

     Today is another semi-rest day. I packed an overnight bag, just in case they keep me overnight. I will take a shower with the special antibacterial solution. My husband will be grilling a steak for dinner tonight. I will be on a liquid diet for a while, so I wanted something good to eat on my last night. I get nothing to eat or drink in the morning, and will be unable to swallow well after surgery.

I don't know if I mentioned that a friend let me borrow a bone pillow. It is another amazing creation. It cradles my neck comfortably, it also works well as a knee pillow when sleeping. I highly recommend it to anyone suffering from neck, or lower back pain.

My nerves are at an all time high. The past eleven days have sped by.

Friday, April 21, 2017

3 Days Before Surgery.

     Yesterday was my charity craft get-together with my ladies. I enjoyed it tremendously, but it was more painful than usual. I was unable to blog afterwards.

Today was a busy prep day. I had to go in  for pre-op bloodwork, paperwork, and video. The assistant doctor told me I should get a tens unit. My Medicare plan doesn't cover it. I found one at a medical supply company for 90 dollars and politely walked away. I found one at Walmart for 40. While I was at Walmart I picked up three prescriptions they wanted me to have after surgery. (Antibiotic, Muscle Relaxer, and something for nausea)  I also got a pedometer to keep track of my steps after surgery.

I highly recommend a Tens unit to anyone suffering joint or muscle pain. I used it on my lower lumbar, high thoracic, and lower cervical spine areas. Most of my pain is between my shoulder blades. It was like getting a massage exactly where I needed it. It was worth the money with the first use. I chose the OMRON electrotherapy pain relief. It was over the counter, no need for a prescription.

I had to go back to the pharmacy later to get another prescription. As it turns out, I have MRCA. I haven't had any sores, or infection, but was around someone that did. MRCA lives in your nose, and many people don't know they have it. The doctor prescribed ointment that I have to put in my nose two days before, and two days after surgery.

I've been  told I wont be given a hard cervical collar. I will be given a foam one instead. The doctor said that the hard collar weakens the neck muscles if worn for an extended period.  

I was also given a special antibacterial wash. I have to shower with it for the two days before surgery.
I am impressed with all the care they are taking to prevent infection.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

5 days until ACDF Surgery

     I had to visit my cardiologist today to get my official clearance for surgery. I have coronary artery disease, and high blood pressure. I've had one stent placed, and have suffered a light heart attack. I have been in a stable condition for several years.

I have a therapy for my lumbar region later today. After showing up, they gave me a evaluation then they informed me that they wouldn't start the physical therapy until after the doctor gave me a release after surgery. If its more that a month, they will have to reevaluate me. [insert heavy sigh here]

It seems like I have spent more time in doctors offices than I have anywhere else lately. I'll be glad when all this slows down a bit.

I've started making preparations for my recovery. I was able to get ahold of an electric recliner. Videos I watched recommended sleeping in a recliner for the first week or so after surgery.  I got three pair of button up Pajamas. I believe they will be easier to get into than the pullover shirts I normally wear. I've heard about how sore my throat will be. I got some throat spray, and lozenges. I also got some Thera-gesic for muscle soreness. I will also be purchasing healthy options for a liquid diet. I am diabetic, so mashed potatoes and ice cream are not viable options. I also purchased a foam collar to stabilize my neck until surgery.

As much as I've been trying to prepare myself for this, I am still nervous and afraid. My faith in God is strong, and it is helping. I believe He is in control. The "what if's" still dance around in my head at times. I wish this thing could have been diagnosed earlier, but am glad it was diagnosed before it became too late.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Pre ACDF Surgery Story

My first appointment after my MRI was Wednesday April 12, 2017 with doctor William Hunter. I was glad to hear that my Thoracic Spine was in good health. I had been having pain for years in that area. The doctor believes that the pain may just be muscular due to my other injuries.

I was relieved to hear that my Lumbar Spine only had one herniated disk, and could be treated with steroid shots and therapy. I've had my first shot, and begin my therapy tomorrow.

I was shocked to see the MRI images of my Cervical Spine. I not only have arthritis, I also have Degenerative Disk Disease, and Disk Osteophyte Complex in my C5-6 and C6-7 disks. My lower disk isn't as bad as the upper one. The lower disk shows almost no spinal fluid around my spinal cord. The upper disk shows no fluid around my spinal cord.

A simple bumper thumper in a car, or even a fall can cause me to be paralyzed from the neck down. The doctor ordered the surgery ASAP. They are squeezing me in as soon as they get approval from my other doctors. (Heart and Primary doctors) The Neuro-surgeon does surgeries on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I got the call today that they got the approvals, and my surgery will be Monday, April 24, 2017.

As soon as I got my diagnosis, I went on You-tube and watched videos on the surgery. It was gross, but I needed to know. I watched several surgery videos. If you are squeamish, I would recommend the animated ones. I also watched ACDF recovery vlogs. I found these very helpful. The unknown is a very scary thing. I am still nervous, but I am not as afraid as I once was. I thought about doing a vlog, but I just don't see myself doing so. I'm just not that talkative.


Disk Osteophyte Complex is a fancy way of saying "herniated disk with bone spurs".

Lower Lumbar injury in 2001 (Getting out of bed)
Upper Cervical injury in 1998 (Rear ended in a car)
Lower Cervical injury in 1975 (Diving into a pool)

Intro To My ACDF Story

I've started this blog to chronicle my experience with ACDF surgery. Later I will post about other things including my crafting.

I've had problems out of my back for many years. My newest Doctor is the first to do anything about my complaints. Dr. Barns ordered X-Ray's. She told me I had arthritis in my neck. The X-Rays also showed narrowing of the spaces between C-5-6, and C-6-7. She made a referral to a Neurosurgeon. Being out of work, and fighting for my Social Security Disability, I could not get an appointment.

I finally got approved. (Do get a lawyer) As soon as I got my Medicare card, my doctor was able to resubmit my referrals. There were many. My Neurosurgeon ordered a full spinal MRI. (Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar) Problems were found in my Lumbar and Cervical areas.

My L-5 Disk is herniated. I suspected this from an injury in 2001. Luckily the doctor recommended steroid shots and therapy.

My C3-4 is herniated, but does not need immediate attention.

My C5-6 and C6-7 are the immediate problem This is why I need the surgery.

Writing has always helped me process things. That is what this blog is for. I am making this Blog public, just in case someone out there is about to go through the same thing and is searching for answers.